After dating for a couple of years, actors Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani have decided to get married on February 22, 2024. According to a report by Hindustan Times, the wedding will be a two-day affair in Goa. The details were confirmed by a source close to the couple. Talking to Hindustan Times, the source said, "The wedding will mostly be a two-day affair in Goa. The intention is to keep it intimate but also not miss out on making memories with family and friends. That's why close friends from both the industries, considering Rakul has also worked in the south film industry, will be attending the wedding along with family members.”
The source also spoke about the couple's intent to keep the wedding private by going for a "no phone policy for the guests". The source said, "They are very private people, which is why they are thinking of ways they can introduce to protect their privacy. For instance, they are planning to go for a no phone policy for the guests”.
The source also revealed details about the theme of the wedding. "“They are closely looking over the decor and theme. One thing is certain that it will be close to who they are as individuals, with everything reflecting their personality," noted the source.
Talking to Hindustan Times, a source earlier confirmed the news of the couple's upcoming marriage. "Rakul and Jackky are getting married on February 22, in Goa. They are being really hush-hush about it, as they want to keep the affair very intimate." The source further added, "They are really private people and want to keep the wedding also private.” In fact, they are enjoying a break before getting busy with the wedding festivities. "Jackky is currently in Bangkok (Thailand) for his bachelor party. In fact, Rakul is also in Thailand, enjoying the break," said the source.
Earlier this year, Rakul Preet Singh received a romantic wish from boyfriend Jackky Bhagnani. Jackky shared a reel featuring the moments he and Rakul have spent together so far. The reel features glimpses of their vacation diaries, dinner dates, red carpet walks as well as on stage performances. Producer Jackky Bhagnani wrote a special note for his girlfriend. It read, "On your special day, I want to express my admiration for the one who always leaves me in awe. With you, every day feels like an incredible journey, and there's never a dull moment. You're more than just my companion; you're my confidant, my partner-in-crime, and the one who fills my life with love and laughter. On your big day, I wish you everything you have ever dreamt of, and more. May all your dreams come true because you only and only deserve the absolute best in life. Happy Birthday to the one who makes every day extraordinary!" Replying to the post, Rakul wrote, "Awwwwww !!! So much you typed !! That makes me feel whatttte a wow !!!thankyouuuuu my" and dropped a heart emoji.
Earlier, about making her relationship public with Jackky in 2021, Rakul told Film Companion, "We're both of the opinion that there is nothing to hide or be sly about a relationship. If you are in one, the best thing is to give each other that respect and acknowledge it. Let's face it. We all know who the couples are, hiding and running. Both of us don't come from that school of thought."
Rakul Preet Singh made her acting debut with the Kannada film Gilli. She made her Bollywood debut in 2013 with Divya Khosla Kumar's Yaariyan. She is known for films like De De Pyaar De, Chhatriwali, Cuttputlli, Thank God, Doctor G and Runway 34.