launches Blod+: India's first on-demand blood logistics platform introduces Blod+, a transformative healthcare software and logistics platform, revolutionizing blood management and delivery in India. Blod+ ensures steady blood access for hospitals, reducing wastage significantly. Healthcare giants like CloudNine, Bewell, Sooriya Hospital, and IMAX Hospital have adopted Blod+, highlighting its integration ease. It reduces the average sourcing time for blood from 6 hours to an average of 2 hours and 7 minutes, empowering blood banks to distribute blood more efficiently. The launch follows a funding round with investments from industry leaders.

Nov 25, 2023 - 18:30 launches Blod+: India's first on-demand blood logistics platform introduces Blod+, a transformative healthcare software and logistics platform, revolutionizing blood management and delivery in India. Blod+ ensures steady blood access for hospitals, reducing wastage significantly. Healthcare giants like CloudNine, Bewell, Sooriya Hospital, and IMAX Hospital have adopted Blod+, highlighting its integration ease. It reduces the average sourcing time for blood from 6 hours to an average of 2 hours and 7 minutes, empowering blood banks to distribute blood more efficiently. The launch follows a funding round with investments from industry leaders.