The market valuation of Reliance Industries plummeted Rs 34,876.78 crore to Rs 15,55,531.53 crore. The valuation of TCS plunged Rs 27,827.08 crore to Rs 12,78,564.03 crore. The mcap of ICICI Bank dived Rs 13,518.4 crore to Rs 6,53,120.67 crore and that of ITC dropped Rs 12,533.27 crore to Rs 5,46,537.83 crore. In the ranking of top 10 firms, Reliance Industries retained the title of the most valued firm followed by TCS, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Infosys, Hindustan Unilever, ITC, Bharti Airtel, State Bank of India and Bajaj Finance.