Soon, Indian Railways to launch one ‘super app’ for IRCTC train ticket booking, tracking trains & more

The Super App intends to combine the functionalities of existing apps like Rail Madad, UTS, and National Train Enquiry System. It also aims to incorporate services such as PortRead, Satark, TMS-Nirikshan for operations, and well-known standalone apps like IRCTC Rail Connect.

Jan 2, 2024 - 13:30
Soon, Indian Railways to launch one ‘super app’ for IRCTC train ticket booking, tracking trains & more
The Super App intends to combine the functionalities of existing apps like Rail Madad, UTS, and National Train Enquiry System. It also aims to incorporate services such as PortRead, Satark, TMS-Nirikshan for operations, and well-known standalone apps like IRCTC Rail Connect.